




Arbitration is a method of resolving disputes outside of court. Parties refer their disputes to an arbitrator who reviews the evidence, listens to the parties, and then makes a decision. The arbitration process is less formal than a courtroom hearing or trial (and often less expensive), but more formal than mediation or negotiation. Most arbitrations arise because of an arbitration clause in a contract, in which the parties have agreed to resolve any disputes arising out of the contract through arbitration.

Choosing an Arbitrator: Many arbitration agreements require that disputes be arbitrated through one of the big arbitration groups or associations. Others leave it up to the parties to agree upon a particular arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators.
How to submit a claim:

  1. The Filing Party(s), the Claimants submits a claim either through our online case submission portal, mail or fax or email. A demand for Arbitration form is found here. When submitting a claim it is good practice to forward a copy  and notify all interested persons, respondents, of your arbitration complaint filing. Also, check your contract / agreement dispute resolution clause for any stipulations to arbitrations or mediation, etc. If you do not have an contract or agreement, you should contact interested party to the dispute to submit to arbitration.
  2. The filing party(s) is responsible for the filing administrate fees at the time of submission. Payment can be made online or contact our staff for coordination. See Rate Page
  3. Upload all supporting documents, statement of claims, agreement, etc. Document can also be mailed or faxed.
  4. A case manger will review your submission and contact you within 5 days to acknowledge receipt and the way forward.  If the associated fees are not made, your claim will be placed on an “Administrative Hold”.  If all requirements are in order, the Case Manager will forward, the Agreement to Arbitrate, Notices, and Scheduling Order, to all named parties and coordinate the conferencing, and notify the selected arbitrator. The case manger will work with all parties to coordinate date(s) for the conferences and Hearing(s). Notices are normally made via email or fax.
  5. A statement of claim, counter claim(if any) must be filed IAW RM&A rules for Arbitration, i.e. timelines and number of pages.

Note: For efficient resolutions and undue delay RM&A may forgo preliminary precise such as but not limited to, pre-conferencing, discovery, motion filing, unless at least one party objects and does so in writting. The selected arbitrator will have final say in accordance to RM&A Rules for Arbitration. See Rules.

Resolution Step 1

At this stage either the lender or borrower initiate a claim via our web submission form or via email and pay the appropriate administrative fee. The administrative fee covers the review, coordination, mailings and tracking of the claim.

Resolution Step 2

A case manager reviews all submitted documents and makes coordination for resolution. The case manager will either contact the opposing party(s), or request missing information to be submitted for resolution in a reasonable time.  Resolution may not be favorable to one party or the other, as mediators and arbitrators are trained to be fair and impartial.

Resolution Step 3

During this process (usually 10 -15 days), the case manager contacts the nonmoving party and a response is received whether they agree to the services requested or mandated by contract (mediation, arbitration, facilitation).

Resolution Step 4

During this stage the claim is either set for resolution (virtual or in person mediation/arbitration), or a case memorandum is prepared to the moving party(s) with a recommendation for final resolution. At the close of a successful mediation parties will receive a copy of the signed agreement(s), while at arbitration parties will receive a copy of the arbitrator’s decision called an “award” within 10 days of the hearing electronically and by certified mail.

Start Today
Start on your path to dispute resolution with our Resolute Arbitration. Resolute Arbitration gets results. Convenient arbitration at our office, over the phone, through email or web virtual arbitration!

 Call Us Today! 1.866.384.4563 or email;

Office Arbitration
Traditional in person meeting with our arbitrator at our office in downtown Orlando. Parties “meet” with our arbitrator online via web-conference. This option saves money and it is convenient because parties may attend from their office or home.Similar with web arbitration, but communication is via phone.